As sustenance for the servants, and We give life with it a dead land, just like that will be the resurrection.
Since it is told in this verse ‘as sustenance for the servants’ without saying ‘as sustenance for the creatures’, it is the duty of mankind who are deputed as representatives of Allah to prepare food items for themselves and for other creatures including thousand communities of Lord. But the believers only fulfil this responsibility by cultivating and promoting others to cultivate vegetables, cereals, fruits and other such food items not only considering their own requirements, but for other creatures’ including the birds and animals also. Lord has taught through His Messenger that in the last period of the world, you should turn to agriculture. But against this teaching, the Fujjar including the Hypocrites and Kuffar mentioned in verses 9: 67-68 are engaged in the construction of huge buildings even by filling the agricultural land with the soils and rocks knocking down the hills which are causing to loss the balance and equilibrium of the earth as explained in the verses 30: 41; 36: 40. They are also engaged in the creation of huge Mosques which cause to encourage disintegration, differentiation, jealous, hatred, enmity, etc. Not only that there is no any benefit with them to the creatures belonging to thousand communities of Lord, but have many burdens and evils also for them by affecting it harmfully to the ecosystem of the universe. That is why they are mentioned as the worst creatures among the thousand communities of Lord through the verse 8: 22, and the worst creatures in the land through the verse 98: 6. They will be dragged in to the hell prone on their faces, and such are the most strayed, and are in the worst place as told in verse 25: 34. See explanation 2: 77; 30: 25; 36: 40; and 41: 38.